Hello everyone!
First a very belated Valentine Day to our bloggy friends, we haven't been able to get online and spread some slobbery love!
We sure do love the snow though- when ever we play in it Mum gets her camera machine and ruins our fun by making us look at it! Did you know that Baird is Mums first 'winter' puppy, the rest of us were born in April & May, so all our toilet & lead training took place in the glorious sunshine- poor Baird (and Mum) drew the short straw I think. Not that Baird seems to mind...
I also like to do my favourite snowy past time, catching snowballs! Well, I make Mum throw them, then I catch the snowy deliciousness and eat it! Best. Game. Ever!
Anyway, Baird has been to the V-E-T-S for his final vaccination, here in the UK us doggies only get 2- and his microchip. At 12 weeks he weighed in at 22.2kg (chunky monkey!) Mum informed me that he was a very brave boy! The little Fawn tornado has been getting slight cabin fever (or driving us mad) so the whole house couldn't wait for him to get out and blow off some steam.
Mum has been taking him out to different places before his vaccination, such as her friends houses, carrying him (until l he go too big!) into pet stores/the park and car rides. She says early socialisation is key, but she had to be careful with him as he wasn't properly immunised till his final jab. Eventually the time rolled around for his very first walk, our favourite place the beach. He was a very good boy, there were lots of new sights,sounds and smells for him to process. But I'll let the photos do the talking.
Mum kept him on a 10ft long training lead until he fully knows his recall-better to be safe than sorry! Baird was only allowed on the beach for 15 minutes, it is important that growing doggies (especially us Giant breed doggies) don't over do it when we are exercising. Baird has been out by himself, with just one of us, for some lead training and for ice cream over the past few days!
Baird constantly looks at us for what to do- I do hope we teach him well. Sorry for the photo heavy post today, but we had lots to tell you about. Now we have made a new furrend here called Max and he is holding a contest on his blog. All you have to do is send his Mom a picture & story about yourself by the 1st of March and the winner will win an awesome secret prize! So get your tails over there and enter the AWESOME competition!
Have a great start to your week everyone.