Monday 19 March 2012

Monday Mischief and Rubbish Mum!

Hello Everyone!
We are apologising on behalf of Mum, who is really falling behind on everyone's blogs, she has been really busy the past week and she hasn't even had chance to write about her crufts adventure yet. She is rather rubbish if you ask us, BOL!

She said that she will try to get to everyone's blogs in the next couple of days, in the mean time we hope everyone has a great week!


  1. M says the same...but all i care is that i get to see your great pictures! looks like you guys really had fun- woofs!

  2. Oh goodness, look at those teeth!

  3. Boy do WE ever understand these MOMS/MUMS and their... lame excuses! Looks like a fun time you were havin.

  4. Love these action shots!

    Your pal, Pip

  5. Great pics. You are having such fun. We really appreciate your taking the time to visit our blog, but we will understand too if you can't always do it. Life gets busy for us too. Have a great week.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  6. Well at least it looks like you are still having fun. Great pictures!

  7. Love the last picture!
    Dachshund Nola

  8. It's lovely to see you having such fun in the sand dunes!

    Tail Wuggles, Rubie

  9. OK, what a great picture that last one is. How much fun you guys have.....

  10. What! You got to attend crufts! That's just so unfair. We only have normal dog shows where I live. I want to see agility stuff and the likes... Crufts have those, right?

    Anyway, no worries. We completely understand that your mom's busy. Lol. Rubbish eh?

    Huggies and Cheese,


  11. The second picture made me snort-laugh and startle Elka.

    Brilliant! Totally worth being busy!

  12. Oh my gosh, Samson and Daisy are having fun cause you look like you are laughing at something.

  13. Wow! I love that last picture. It sure looks like you guys were having a hoot!

  14. Look slike you have been having great fun. Love the last photo!
    We often have to have a word with our PA when she is lax blogging!LOL
    Have a good week
    Big Nose Pokes
    The Thugletsx

  15. No problem!! Just popping in to say hello!! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

  16. Oh tell me about it. You just can't get the staff can you? " I have to go to work / do shopping / clean the house / have a life" etc. etc. It's completely unreasonable. See you soon mates! Deccy x

  17. There just aren't enough hours in the day!
    We love that photo of you playing in the sand, you always look as though you are having tons of fun. We are looking forward to hearing about your Crufts adventure.
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  18. You two sure aren't aren't letting anything get in the way of FUN!

  19. Wow - look at the two of you in that second pic!!
    Teeth galore :D

  20. Hi you doggies! Looks like you've got a great blog here.
    I thought that Sampson was a few years old... But 10 months! Wow, he's huge!!!

  21. You have been short listed for the March Purple Sparkly Toilet Seat! Please call in and take a look. Deccy x

  22. Love the pictures! I just became a new follower- thanks for stopping by Betty the Bichon!


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