Friday 6 April 2012

A Belated Happy Birthday to Daisy Boo and Mum!

Happy Birthday to Boo,
Happy Birthday to Boo
Happy Birthday to Daisy Boo (and Mum)
Happy Birthday to you!

Hey everyone!
I've just celebrated my birthday on the 4th (and Mums on the 5th, but I'd rather talk more about me) and I'm now officially 2 and all grown up. It seems so long ago now that Mum brought me all the way up from Southampton, that was a long drive for both of us. Mum said she would have blogged about my birthday on the actual day but apparently her best friends wedding was more important to go to, her excuses are just getting worse if you ask me.
This is the first photo Mum took of me, on the day she came to see me and my litter mates. She intended to get another boy doggy, but she said it was love at first sight with me.

I want to take this time to thank my big brother Dante, who at first I was terrified of (he pushed me over and made my cry!) But he has helped me grow up into the mature sophisticated lady I am now (BOL!)
Here we are on my first day at home, he was ever so patient with me.

He taught me how to play nicely with him..

...and he cuddled me at night when I was pining for my mummydog.

He taught me how to behave when we went out for walkies...

  He watched over me (and still does even though I'm all grown up now)
So Thanks big bro!..and sorry Sampson didn't turn out as good as I did, hehehe.

I tried to help teach Sampson as good as Dante, but I don't think I've really got the hang of it, my teachings usually end up like this...

I got an extra special tea for my birthday full of extra yummyness, Mum said if I'm lucky she will make me some 'pupcakes' over the weekend for us all to eat. I suppose I better wish Mum a happy birthday while I'm at it, Happy Birthday Mum!

 Anyway, the weather is awful here now, we are struggling to adjust after our heatwave last week, there is even snow on the mountains now. Mum says its typical English weather but we shouldn't complain, but all our walks look like this and involve us all getting a thorough soaking!
We hope you all have a fantastic Easter and the weather is a bit nicer where everyone else is.

Daisy Boo


  1. Aaaaaack...OMD, you was most adorables as a baby puppy! I hopes you has a most wonderfuls birfday! And I do believes Dante did a great job learning you...I mean teaching you. I gets them confused. My brudder tried to tech me to be a good dog and it not turn out so wells eithers.

    By da way, my mum has dis weird obsession with Great Danes. I be a little smalller than them thoughs...hehehe.

    PS: you has a wonderful bloggie!

  2. Oh crud...I furgots to wish your mum a most wonderfuls birfday too. I would likes a corner piece of cake, it has da mostest icing.


  3. Happy birthday to you and your mom!
    Dachshund Nola

  4. Happy Birthday to you and your Momma! That first picture of you is the sweetest, Daisy Boo! You've come a long way with your loving family!! Have a Happy Easter!!

  5. Happy Birthday to both of you! Enjoy! The pics were great! AND Happy Easter, my friends!

  6. Very sweet pictures. Happy Birthday to both of you!

  7. Happy Birfday to BOTH YOU and your MUM!!!
    AND.. Happy Easter too!!

    I love your puppy pictures!!!

  8. You guys are beautiful! Happy birthday to both of you :>

  9. Happy Birthday, Daisy Boo! Two years old, WOW! I loved the pictures and stories. Hope your day is filled with treats, toys, and cuddles.

    Your pal, Pip

  10. Happy Birthday, Daisy Boo! And a happy birthday to your Mommy too. Love that photo of you and Sampson. Hahaha.

  11. Great post and loved the photos lol.....Happy Birthday to you both.

  12. We loved all of these beautiful pictures!!! So cute!!! Happy Family!! We want to wish you both a Happy Birthday and a Happy Easter too!!! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

  13. Happy birthday to you and your mum. You look like you had a great teacher from the start.

  14. Happy Birthday to Boo and Mum! And a very Happy Easter too!
    Wonderful photos again. We loved your cactus joke, bol.
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  15. Happy Birthday to you and your Mum Daisy Boo! :) Crossin paws your Mum comes through with those pupcakes fur ya ;)

    Have a super Easter weekend!

    Waggin at ya,

  16. Happy Birthday to you Boo and your mum too!
    I hope the weather cheers up a bit for your weekend!

  17. Belated Happy Birthday to you both! Those are such cute photos of you as a pup with Dante - hope your weekend is fun! Woofs and licks from Magic xx

  18. Just catching up on all my blog buddies. Happy Belated Birthday!! I love the photo of Boo in Sampson's mouth...gave me the giggles. Silly "little" brothers. Happy Easter!

  19. Party time!! Belated birthday greetings to you Daisy Boo and your mum.

  20. Happy Birthday Boo & Mum! I think Dante is the sort of big bro I need.... and Sampson is the sort of bro that I'd be. Hehe! Loved your photos too. Deccy x

  21. Happy Birthday Daisy Boo and Happy Birthday to your Mum!
    Loved all your photos!
    Hope you had a fabulous time. Happy Easter!

    Big Nose Pokes
    The Thugletsx

  22. Woohoo!!

    Happy Birthday to you and your Mum!! :)

    You're just a little older than me - I'll be two on the 14th - does that mean you can boss me around? :)

    Wags to all,

    Your pal Snoopy :)

  23. Happy Belated Birthday Daisy-Boo! We hope you had a fabulous day :)

    O and you were a super cute puppy!! Almost as a Dane puppy *Hee! Hee!*, not being bias at all ;)

    Licks and lots of slobber,
    Lexi and Jasper the Danes


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