Tuesday 28 May 2013

Brining up Baird,6 months on...

Boy does time fly when your having fun! 
Baird is now 6 months old and still growing like a weed. He still very much acts like the puppy he is. Always getting into mischief and by always we mean constantly, all of the time. Heheh, he is driving Mum mad.
We want to send all our furends a big slobbery bark! And hope you had a great bank holiday or Memorial weekend.



  1. Oh my gosh Baird! How is it I visit your bllog every week, and every time I see a picture of you your just that much bigger! Such a handsome boy though!

  2. OMD! Wow! Baird is HUGE now! I can't believe it!!! Ok, how on earth did you get that pose of all of them?!!! Anyone in their right mind would just HAVE to smile big as day seeing that photo!!!! Gosh, we've sure missed you guys!!! I'm thinking Baird might just pass Sampson up in height eh? Yea, you made my night with this post!!!

  3. HOwdy Everybuddy, good on ya Baird for keeping everybuddy on their toes (and by that we mean mum hehehe). We think mischief is a good thing butt our mum thinks differently. Loved your photos. Wonder if you will grow as big as Sampson. Poor Dante and Daisy Boo must think they are shrinking!! Have fun mates.
    No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

  4. Baird has certainly grown! Love that picture of all of you in that last picture. Kind of a tight fit, though. ;)

  5. We can honestly say that is the biggest puppy we have ever seen!
    Baird is beautiful, he is growing up to be as handsom as Sampson.
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  6. Baird is one cute puppy and is growing like a weed. Love that last photo of the whole crew.

  7. I can't believe how big he is!! Wow a puppy that size, good luck! I thought Ernest was a pawful BOL

  8. That sounds like a lot of mischief. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  9. Baird you are one HUGE puppy! Glad mine haven't grown so big :-) woofs and licks from Magic xx

  10. OMD - Baird is getting sooooo BIG :)
    Love the last pic!

  11. Love the well-like photo. Baird, you're such a big boy now. You're so awesome mom! You've brought Baird up pretty well.

  12. You've grown so much!Do you wear compost for boots?

  13. We can't believe how big Baird is getting! Sometimes it's more fun hanging out with your dogs than writing about them! Thanks for dropping by!

  14. OMD!!! Baird, you are soooo big nows!!! Oh, Ma knows just what you mean abouts puppies drivin' her NUTS!! Okays, I admit, I was a little troublesome....Ma says I STILL am, butts the woman's hit her head one too many times, so I wouldn't believes anythings she says...BOL
    Thanks so much for the pics...I LOVES em'!

  15. It won't be long before you catch up to Sampson!

  16. Looks like a happy family xx

  17. He is getting so big!!!!

    Stop on by for a visit

  18. He sure is growing up to be a handsome (big) doggie!

  19. I love that last picture!

    Look at how big Somepup has become! Please post new pictures soon! :)


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