Thursday 12 January 2012

I just don't understand Mum!

Look...I have a problem.

This was me a few months ago, look how happy I looked:

But now I don't get it, I used to love this chair, I spent a lot of my first few months asleep on it. But now, no matter how hard I try- all I can get is my butt on it!

Mum just keeps laughing at me, but I really don't understand what's going wrong? Do you all think the chair has shrunk or something? 

I will get to the bottom of this!



  1. I hear ya....we seem to grow out of stuff fast....

  2. Sampson,

    Maybe you can use it as pillow now? ;)

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

  3. Yeah. She probably put it in the dryer. It couldn't be you!!

    -Bart and Ruby

  4. Oh no - we've had shrinking beds before now but that chair really has got small :-) love from Magic xx

  5. Just to let you know we have nominated you on our page for a Pawsome Blog award - we have been enjoying your blog very much - love from Magic xx

  6. Wow! Have you grown! That is hilarious!! BOL!

  7. Hmmmm... that's a toughie. It looks like you've grown just a tad over the years... but hey, chairs are usually made for butts anyways, so maybe you can learn to sit in it like your human does!... or maybe just get a bigger chair?? Good luck with your sleuthing!

    All4UrPet Representative

    Check out the App store for Android and iPhone to download our mobile application! Simply search All4UrPet.

  8. The blog has changed so much since I was last just gets more and more fun to read!!!

  9. Sampson, we think it is time to move to the sofa - lots of stretching out room.

    We must admit that last pic of you does make us giggle:)

    We finally remembered to add your blog to our Google Reader so we don't miss so many of your posts.

    And Mom says the trick is really tasty treats. She is still having to work a bit with Lightning to sit and stay but he is getting better. And Phantom, could you please stop sitting five feet away from the rest of us - makes for a very long wait for our treats:)

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  10. Oh my goshies!! I had a very similar problem with our old couch -- Nala and I used to be able to fit on the couch together, but then all of a sudden there wasn't much room for the both of us. Strange how that happens, isn't it?

    Woofs & hugs, <3

    ~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl!)

  11. Poor Dear!

    Oh, you're so innocent. I'm so sorry to tell you this but I think you should know by now that you're the type who will experience rapid growth spurt because that's what your genes tells your body.

    Don't worry, I'm pretty sure your mom will get you a new one.

    Huggies and Cheese,


    P.S. I hope you'd get one of those Google Follower buttons. ^_^ I'm sure a number of us here would love to follow you.

  12. Sampson ..maybe the chair shrunk?
    Maybe time you got a new one ...that is shrink resistant?
    Have a great weekend
    Big Nose Pokes
    The Thugletsx

  13. I'm certain it's the chair mate.... no way can your bum be THAT big. Hehe!! Deccy x

  14. Hiya! I'm Teal'c from Sydney and I just cam ever from Lexis and Jaspars blog to say hello. I'm with Declan on that one. It is clearly the chair!
    And I don't understand why my hooman is still laughing away...!?

    Slobbers Teal'c

  15. It's defiantly shrunk!
    Dachshund Nola

  16. I know how you feel, Sampson. Same for me with my kitty brother's bed. I don't fit in it anymore.

    Ah well, I still got the couch! hehe



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