Friday 20 January 2012

Our Big Bunny Brother

Hello again everyone!

We thought we would share some pictures from this summer when our big bunny brother ( we got the idea of a bunny related blog from  Ludo's Blog) who unfortunately passed away in his sleep a few months ago, so it would be a nice reminder for him too.
His was a rescue bunny (Mum is bunny mad, she has had rabbits even before dogs, she even had 7 rescue buns at one point!) and his name was affectionately 'Lump', because he was huge, well as bunnies go. He was a Continental Giant x Papillon, but to us he was just a very big bun!
So here me, on my first meeting with Lump, I was only 8 weeks old and he seemed very big and scary to me!

Are we related Mr Rabbit?......are you a harlequin too?

Mum....this dog seems kinda different to me....

R.I.P Lump, we will see you at the bridge!

I was a very good boy upon meeting the big bun, Daisy-Boo showed me how to behave. Dante on the other hand was banned around the rabbits, we could not condition him to them no matter how hard Mum  tried, so she thought it was  better to be safe than sorry! I thought he was a weird dog at first and tried to make him play....but he wasn't bothered and in the end I just sat in the sunshine watching him eat grass. ( I tried it, it wasn't that nice)

These pictures are making us crave Summer, we are all bored of the cold dark nights now!




  1. Sorry to hear about Lump. Lump must have been a giant of a bunny because in the pictures Sampson looks the same size. They almost look like brothers. :)

  2. Sorry to hear about his passing. He was a BIG bunny
    Dachshund Nola

  3. Wow, Lump was a big bunny. My Vickie loves bunnies too. She had a big white rabbit for years. Thanks for telling us about Lump.

  4. Sorry to hear about Lump... it seems like he had a good life full of furry and human friends though! What a beautiful bunny he was... Thanks for sharing.


    All4UrPet Representative

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  5. Awww, Mr. Lumpy is gone... Well, you guys look like brothers alright.

    Is mom having a hard time looking for the followers button? Anyway, I'm glad you've been a good boy when you met Lump.

    See you later, Banana.

    Huggies and Cheese,


  6. We are sorry to hear Lump has passed over to the rainbow bridge!

    He did have a really awesome name though! :) And you both do look very similar!

    Licks and lots of slobber,
    Lexi and Jasper the Danes

  7. So sorry Lump has gone over the Rainbow Bridge but those were lovely pictures to remember him by. You do look so similar in your markings - love from Magic xx

  8. Such wonderful photos - you almost look like siblings. Sorry to hear Lump has gone over the rainbow bridge though :o(

    *waggy tail*

    Alfie from Alfie's Blog

    PS. You might want to change your comments settings so that people without their own blogger blog or google account can add their comments too (there should be a setting that allows you to add name plus URL)

    1. Alfie

      Thanks for stopping by...and thanks for the blog advice!


  9. What lovely photos you have to remind yourself of Lump! He really was a big guy, but looks very sweet with his (also large) Dane brother.

  10. OoH Lump sure was a big bunny, so sorry him has crossed da bridge.
    You and him look like twins...sorta ;)

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

  11. OMG! That just made my day! I love those pictures!!

  12. Lump was very handsome. So sorry he had to go away. We love those photos of the two of you lying side by side. Thanks for sharing. Wish we had known Lump before.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  13. Hi! I wanted to let you know that I am sharing the Versatile Blogger Award with you. Details on my blog here:

  14. Hi Thanks for stopping by my blog. It's great to meet you too.

    I loved the pictures of Lump. My family kept rabbits in the past before I came to live here.

    You were obviously very well-behaved with your big bunny brother. You must all miss him. He was beautiful.

    Love and licks, Winnie

  15. Sampson, you are too too cute.

    We came over from 2browndawgs! It's very nice to meet y'all!

    Boondocks & The Love Shack Pack

  16. Awww! My mommy LOVES bunnies -- mommy had doggies way before bunnies, but her doggie passed before she got married and they weren't allowed to have a doggie in their apartment, so they got bunnies! Oh my goshies, they were so cute. It's adorable that you two look so much alike!

    Woofs & hugs, <3

    ~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl!)

  17. Absolutely brilliant! Sampson you and Lump looked good together. What a lovely way to remember Lump.
    Big Nose Pokes
    The Thugletsx

  18. OMD, those are such sweet photos!
    My raiser just loves bunnies, and she always seems to be fostering one fur someone!
    I'm so sorry to hear he passed away, he sure sounds like a great bunny!


  19. Hi Y'all,

    What a beautiful pair those two made together.

    Thanks for followin'

    Y'all come back now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  20. oh I just lost my comment.
    Lump looked like a great bunny. How cool that you had a bunny brofur too! Binky free Lump.
    Mum belongs to a rabbit forum called Rabbits united that rescue based, maybe your Mum would like it?
    ~lickies, Ludo

  21. RIP Mr Lump...

    I had a bunny brother too when I was a young pup, his name was Benjamin and he was black like me ! He too went to the rainbow bridge... :-( I miss him lots.



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